Friday, December 11, 2009


These past couple months I've blogged about several topics. BIG topics. I didn't even really scratch the surface of any one of them, but I got the wheels turning. The fact is that these topics can be taught, and it's important to realize this. They can be taught as long as they are valued and practiced. For example, Passion is not something that you can necessarily take a multiple choice test on, but it's something that can be ignited in the classroom and enhanced there so the students can leave that class a better more passionate person then when they came in. As for teachers, we need to consistently be checking ourselves to see if we are on board with these past topics. We need to grow in them and enhance them everyday. Teachers can do this by keeping up with hobbies, as well as starting new hobbies, attending conventions about things they are passionate about, etc. There's so much that we can all do, but HOW you do it is what sets each person apart!

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