Thursday, September 24, 2009


I define authenticity as honesty and truth, as well as originality, that are behind one's actions and decisions. To put a limit on authenticity to me seems rather strange, but expressing it is a different story. Sometimes, when someone is over genuine or authentic it almost seems they are trying too hard, and it becomes fake or inauthentic seeming. The limit is when it no longer feels natural or right. Students can tell inauthenticity as soon as the Teacher seems disinterested, OR to go the other way and the teacher seems gushy or too interested in being cool and fitting in with the Students. I think it's a trend for Students, when faced with a Teacher or authority figure they find inauthentic or fake, to not maximize their learning. The Students don't know to what lengths the teacher will take in an authentic way, so they are unsure of what to trust. When trust levels are down, it's harder to take in information and keep it there. Therefore, authenticity should be established early by the teacher in a genuine way of accepting who you are and presenting it to the class in a positive way. I think positive feedback from Students is guaranteed once this happens.

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